Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Garden is Finally on the Grow!!

There has been much worry about this years growing season since our summer started so late, and we had such strange noteworthy weather this past winter. Our plants are starting to jump in major leaps in height. I am now very grateful for the quality of soil at my parents house. They've been cultivating it for 30 some years, I just started from Willamette Valley scratch. Read: Lots of clay. Since we live on a major highway, we are also collecting massive amounts of weed seed, the back of the garden in the picture is only 30 ft. from highway 99.
Forrest is getting tons of weeding experience in. He planted a "Native-American Garden". Corn, squash, peas, & beans all together. In theory, the corn grows up, the peas & beans climb the corn, and the squash keeps down the weeds. The seeds have sprouted but are having trouble as we have no irrigation ran out there. The idea is that we will have a great Fall Crop...... to be continued.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Early Summer 08 Update

School is out for the summer. Forrest and I both got straight A's last year. It has been nice to have a break. I had minor surgery one week after finals. What a way to start the summer vacation. I am starting to feel as normal as I can and am ready to do some fishing and camping.

Because we've been in constant moving mode in the past years we haven't had the time for much fun. We need to make the time. We are going to take a week off and go to the Southern Oregon Coast with Forrest's Mom and her family in August. I can't wait. We really deserve a time out. Forrest for sure earned it for both of us.

Dad is having surgery to remove the tumor in his arm and replace it with some steel plates. Hopefully they can get most of the tumor out. That would be ideal. His counts are up so he has started another round of chemotherapy last week. He is also figuring out when he will begin to harvest stem-cells for transplant later this summer. We can hope for a cure, but mostly a remission seems possible for now. I guess anything is possible.

Signing off...... weeds to pull, chickens to feed.


Smoky The Kitten

This is my super cute kitten Smoky. She is the really small black one in the previous kitten photos. She has been on some major adventures during her short life. Including being kidnapped!!! Forrest and I went on a rescue mission, her thief remains un-apologetic about it. Some people have no remorse I suppose no matter how their actions affect the people around them. Who steals people's pets?? Who does that? She is really sweet and crazy as any kitten. She licks and bites us, mainly our toes and fingers, and pines, mews, almost screams for wet food. You'd think we were killing her brother. She also likes to pretend to be a living scarf. Nice and warm necks in the winter!