Thursday, April 3, 2008

We have Chickens!!

My good friend Maggie made me move farther into the technological world today. May I present............ My blog!!! She pointed out that I have been pretty busy and that I am somewhat removed from my family & friends since heading to the hills. What better way to keep in touch and present the comings and goings, the fixings and breaking's', the makings and takings 'round here?
Now that Forrest, Rosie, and I are officially 'Country', it became necessary that we collect some barnyard animals......................We've talked of getting chickens for months. The time arrived. 12 in all. 4 each Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, and Barred Rocks. I have never shared my living quarters with actual livestock. Forrest and I think we may have a mis-sexed bird. In other words a Rooster. If so, we may be eating chicken earlier than we planned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

check it out!! you made it work! yay for you! I think this is a great thing have fun with blogging!