Monday, January 19, 2009

Today is My 29th Birthday

At 1:14pm 29 years ago my mother brought me into the world. You can still visit the building where my birth took place, though it has gone through major reconstruction. Bess Kaiser Hospital became an Adidas Sportswear Headquarters. 29 doesn't feel much different from the lower 28 years prior to 1:14pm today. Cruising faster towards 30 I battle the indecision of whether it is better to get older, or maybe best to grow younger. 30 years old. 30 years old means you are an adult, you have history, you have experience you wished and thought you had at 22. But 30 hasn't hit and the cover of blaming my indiscretions on being in my 20's has now, 364 days until expiration.

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