Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Update : What is Going On??

Spring is in full swing out here in Dundee. My daffodills are blooming, the iris' I planted are sprouting and are being persuaded to bloom in their first year. Spring Break has passed, Forrest went to Arizona to visit family and pick up some tools. He bought a truck to bring these tools home and broke down in the Mojave desert, he was towed to Barstow, CA where he was stuck for many days figuring out what to do. He has come home with some funny stories that you all can ask about in the future. Maggie, Rosie, Riley and I went to Lincoln City for 2 days. We stayed in the most awesome, frugal hotel ever!!! The Historic Anchor Inn. It reminded me of Ernie Hoods house in West Linn. Covered in kitchy antiques, a mounted bear's bust made of moss, and one of the coolest original retro bars I have ever seen. It is really affordable, takes big dogs, and they serve breakfast in the morning. You can find them listed on my links. We ran the dogs, Riley learned to swim by surprise, and Maglet taught me to felt, my new favorite hobby!!

My dad's cancer treatments are finally working and he gets to lay off a bit on the chemo. We are still waiting to see what is going to be the best route for him to take. It is looking hopeful. My mom and I want to get him better enough so they or we can all take a trip, maybe a Alaskan Cruise. Mom needs a vacation too, caregiving is tough work. I just wish she would quit smoking. I am trying really hard to quit, and can almost never resist when spending time with her. If she were to quit it would make it easier for me to spend more time at their house.

I have been continually throwing my back/right hip out this month. Pain like I hadn't experienced in years took over my body the week before my beach trip and is coming back today. I really don't know if I can take living with that sort of pain. I can take pain, I am a pain princess, but specific pains, yikes!! Poor Forrest didn't sleep his entire week of finals, he had to listen to me screaming and crying from the persistent, sharp pains, while he tried to help me and get some really needed rest. Sorry Baby. It is coming back and I am fighting it, taking it easy, allowing myself to take care of me. Sometimes I get so mad at myself, my body. I want so much from my life, but the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome keeps getting in my way. I would give anything not to hurt anymore. Anything. Forrest's Mom is really trying to help me. She is a ND, and really good at what she does. Thankfullness for her isn't enough to describe all that she does for me.

Forrest has one term left and he will have his Associates Degree. He just found out that he is the first member of the Arriaga family to acutally have a college degree. Shocking to both of us, but really cool. He came home the other day with a life size poster of himself from PCC. Ever since he did the scholarship speech last year he has been the poster boy for donations and voting in favor of PCC bond measures. He has been working for Freightliner and was lucking enough to still have work, until the end of this week. Forrest is looking for work now, we really hope he can find employment in the industry he has been training so hard to enter into. We'll see.

That's the quick rundown, I gotta go heat pack my hip. Bleh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post! I just posted pics on my blog of our trip, or rather, just the hotel, cause well, its the raddest. take care of yourself, and can't wait for tomorrow night!